Išnuomosiu 2 kambarių 58 kv. butą naujos statybos name K. Donelaičio g.
81A, Kauno centre. Butas yra 8-ių aukštų mūrinio namo 7-ame aukšte. „Centro
namas“ yra šalia Laisvės alėjos, prestižinėje Kauno vietoje, kuri pasižymi
didele verslo, prekybos bei pramogų įstaigų koncentracija. Nuo gatvių triukšmo
ir miesto šurmulio namą apsaugo aplinkiniai pastatai, netoliese yra Karo
muziejaus sodelis, Soboras, Miesto sodas, Kauno arena. Butas racionalaus
išplanavimo, visi langai į pietų pusę, erdvi svetainė apjungta su virtuvės
erdve, atskiras miegamasis kambarys su įrengta didele drabužine, vonios
kambarys kartu su tualetu bei šildomomis grindimis, koridoriuje – sieninė spinta. Nuomojamas su
pilna apdaila, kuriai buvo panaudotos tik aukštos kokybės medžiagos, visais
reikalingais darbui ir poilsiui baldais ir aukščiausios kokybės buitinės
technikos įranga. Bute įrengta: l. taupus savarankiškai reguliuojamas
kolektorinis-autonominis šildymas, šaldantis-šildantis šilumos
siurblys-kondicionierius „Samsung“, apsauginė ir priešgaisrinė signalizacijos, telefono,
kabelinės televizijos ir interneto įvadai, šarvo durys. Namo laiptinės durys –
kodinės, su domofonu. Butui priklauso automobilių parkavimo vieta uždarame šildomame
požeminiame namo garaže. Kiemo teritorija - rakinama, apželdinta
dekoratyviniais augalais. Pageidautini nuomininkai ilgesniam laikotarpiui. Buto
nuomos kaina mėnesiui Lt. +
mokesčiai. Būtinas 2 mėn. užstatas. Sudaroma sutartis. Skambinti
2 room apartment for rent. 68 sq. m. in newly constructed building. Located in the city center of Kaunas, K. Donelaicio street 81A. The apartment is in the 8-floor building on the 2nd floor. The house is called "Centro namas", situated near "Laisves avenue", prestigious location of Kaunas, which has a large concentration of business, shopping and entertainment centers. War Museum, Cathedral, Musical and Drama theaters and new „Zalgiris arena“ is situated nearby. The surrounding buildings protect "Centro namas" from street and city noise. The apartment has a large living room combined with kitchen area, one bedroom, one bathroom. Fully decorated using only high quality materials, all required work and leisure furniture and high quality home appliance equipment are installed (as seen on pictures). The apartment is equipped with: very economical collector-independent heating, security and fire alarm, telephone, cable television and internet entries, armored door. The entrance door of the building are coded and with intercom. One car parking space in locked yard site and and undergraund warehouse belong to this apartment. Yard area is lockable and planted with ornamental plants. Long term rent is preferred.Price: Lt per month + taxes. Deposit for 2 months is necessary. Lease contract will be signed. Contact:
2 room apartment for rent. 68 sq. m. in newly constructed building. Located in the city center of Kaunas, K. Donelaicio street 81A. The apartment is in the 8-floor building on the 2nd floor. The house is called "Centro namas", situated near "Laisves avenue", prestigious location of Kaunas, which has a large concentration of business, shopping and entertainment centers. War Museum, Cathedral, Musical and Drama theaters and new „Zalgiris arena“ is situated nearby. The surrounding buildings protect "Centro namas" from street and city noise. The apartment has a large living room combined with kitchen area, one bedroom, one bathroom. Fully decorated using only high quality materials, all required work and leisure furniture and high quality home appliance equipment are installed (as seen on pictures). The apartment is equipped with: very economical collector-independent heating, security and fire alarm, telephone, cable television and internet entries, armored door. The entrance door of the building are coded and with intercom. One car parking space in locked yard site and and undergraund warehouse belong to this apartment. Yard area is lockable and planted with ornamental plants. Long term rent is preferred.Price: Lt per month + taxes. Deposit for 2 months is necessary. Lease contract will be signed. Contact:
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